
Showing posts from December, 2017


  9. RE. DICTUM 'A MAN TO MAN IS WOLF' (An Addition  to Chapter 2.  Equality and Elimination of Hierarchy) When speaking of the problem of equality, of course, it would have been wrong to leave aside the well-known statement that 'a man to man is wolf'. There is a widespread opinion that it is a description of the society and State prior to constructing socialist ones, in which a man to man is allegedly a friend, comrade, and brother. Well, I have attempted to get an insight into this matter. It is very interesting that I have again come across a wrong translation into Russian. I have previously pointed out to an explicitly poor translation of the key phrase concerning equality in the Capital by K. Marx. Now I have to state a poor translation of the key phrase regarding inequality in the comedy Assinaria (The One with the Asses) by Roman playwright Titus Maccius Plautus (254-184 B.C.) from Latin into Russian. Here it is: 'A wolf is a ...


8. Short information about the author Victor Artsimovich was born on 25 November 1950 in Tomsk, Russia. He is a descendant of poor Lithuanian peasants who voluntarily moved to Russia at the time of the Russian Empire. He was brought up by single mother. He graduated from the Tomsk State University, Faculty of History & Philology, Speciality of History, in 1974. He is a former dissident. He was prosecuted pursuant to Article 190-1 (Dissemination of knowingly false fabrications that defame the Soviet State and social system) of the Soviet Penal Code in the case of the so-called Book-Lovers in Tomsk in 1982. He was convicted without any possibility to defend himself. He has served his sentence. He is also a former worker (proletarian) because he was employed as an electric welder for about 2.5 years at a large plant in the late 80th years. At the end of 1991 he moved to the forefathers' motherland, i.e., to Lithuania. Now he is an old-age pensioner, but con...


7. POSTFACE When speaking of the two revolutions of 1917 in Russia it is perhaps pertinent to mention the research contribution to this subject of the British-American economist, historian, and writer Anthony C Sutton (1925-2002). One of his books directly concerns the second revolution in Russia. It is entitled Wall Street and Bolshevist revolution . Therein, he with a lot of proofs, shows financing of that revolution by large American bankers and corporations. They were motivated by desire to destroy Russia as an economic competitor of the USA and to turn it into a monopolized market and technical colony for large American bankers and corporations under their control. 1 Anthony C Sutton has not neglected K. Marx with F. Engels either. He has done so in his book The Federal Reserve Conspiracy . Therein, he, first, has discovered 4 sources of K. Marx' financing, viz., 2 American and 2 German ones. The 1st American source viz., bankers from Wall Street through...


6.  INFERENCES AND CONCLUSIONS As one can see, K. Marx has virtually made a frank confession that his doctrine had been based on a prejudice. But I have not taken it for granted. After all, there are cases when people say themselves slander, stipulate themselves. that his doctrine had been based on a prejudice. For this reason, an attempt to apply a realistic notion of man to the fundamental ideas of socialism and Marxism, viz., those of equality and elimination of private property, church, and family has been made. In so doing, collapses like those of houses of cards were observed. It gives grounds to draw a conclusion that, specifically in this case, K. Marx has told the truth. His doctrine has been indeed based on a prejudice about human equality, unrealistic notion of man, idealization of man. Moreover, an attempt to verify the K. Marx' statement that the prejudice was popular has been made. The verification has revealed an extreme doubtf...


5. ELIMINATION OF FAMILY Elimination of family is the fourth main idea of all socialists. It is obvious that it is indispensable in order to erase the past from one’s memory and to turn it into tabula rasa (a clean board) to brainwash a younger generation without hindrance, and to hide the truth forever. The father and mother, grandmothers and grandfathers, when answering questions of curious children may reveal them the existence of other evil and other good that have nothing in common with the socialist dogmas, the truth about the past, that about the life of people in the past, about history, about real heroes and evil-doers. Socialists are therefore willing to take away children from their parents from the smallest age. F. Engels' opinion was as follows: 'Education of all children, since the moment when they can do without the first maternal care, in public institutions and at the expense of the State budget. Education and production together...